Sabrina Sebaihi & Béatrice Bellamy
FRANCE, Paris, 2023-11-02. Photography by Xose Bouzas / Hans Lucas. Committee of Inquiry into the identification of operational failures within French sports federations, the sports movement and sports governance bodies insofar as they have delegated public service, at the French National Assembly. Hearing of the French soccer team coach. Sabrina Sebaihi (L), deputy for the ecologist group, member of the NUPES, committee rapporteur, Beatrice Bellamy (R), deputy for the Horizons group, chairman of the investigating committee, at the start of the hearing.
FRANCE, Paris, 2023-11-02. Photographie par Xose Bouzas / Hans Lucas. Commission d’enquete relative a l’identification des defaillances de fonctionnement au sein des federations francaises de sport, du mouvement sportif et des organismes de gouvernance du monde sportif en tant qu’elles ont delegation de service public, a l Assemblee Nationale. Audition du selectionneur de l equipe de France de football. Sabrina Sebaihi (G), depute du groupe ecologiste, membre de la NUPES, rapporteure de la commission, Beatrice Bellamy (D), depute du groupe Horizons, presidente de la commission d enquete, au debut de l audition.